Uhrzeit Raum Session Chair
09:00-10:30 Room 1.18 Neuromodulation - current challenges in method optimization Thomas Dresler, Miroslava Jindrova
Central Institute for Mental Health, German Center for Mental Health (DZPG); University of Tübingen
09:00-10:30 Room 1.12/1.13 Revisiting the relationship between autonomic reactivity and affective and threat-related processes Carlos Ventura-Bort
University of Potsdam
09:00-10:30 Room 0.12/0.13 Using Genetics to Understand Pathways to Mental Disorders Fabian Streit
Hector Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University
09:00-10:30 Small Auditorium Up-regulating and down-regulating memory functions by influencing sleep Nora Roüast, Thomas Schreiner
University of Freiburg; LMU Munich
09:00-10:30 Large Auditorium Neurocognitive mechanisms of cognitive flexibility and attention allocation Laura Klatt, Anna-Lena Schubert
Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors; Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
10:30-10:45 Foyer Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Large Auditorium Award ceremony:

1. Research Prize of the Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology Division

2. Early Career Award of the Society for Psychophysiology and its Application (DGPA)

3. Brain Products Young Scientist Award

4. Presentation of the scholarship holders of the Lienert Stiftung

5. IGOR Prize for Open and Reproducible Research (Interest Group for Open and Reproducible Research, IGOR)

6. Science Communication Awards

12:00-13:00 Large Auditorium Keynote: Nils B. Kroemer
13:00-13:15 Large Auditorium closing remarks